Ngati Rangiwewehi Iwi Email Network

Tena koutou e nga uri a Ngati Rangiwewehi,

Please see the form below to confirm subscription to the Iwi email network and receive panui information from Ngati Rangiwewehi Office on behalf of:

Te Maru o Ngati Rangiwewehi Iwi Authority
Rangiwewehi Charitable Trust
Tarimano Marae Trust
Te Tahuhu o Tawakeheimoa Trust

Noho ora mai,
Rangiwewehi Office
This email network is intended for descendants of Ngati Rangiwewehi "E tu ana a Rangiwewehi"

P.O Box 131, Ngongotaha, Rotorua. 
Office: 07 3575814 Fax: 07 3574834
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